Invasive CV Review Books:
These are comments from individuals using Wes Todd's self study materials
"What helped me most was the broadened aspect of the questions! Not only did you ask a question, you answered it, and expounded on the subject and related questions which might be asked"

"I feel that the study guide was an extremely important factor in my passing the registry this time. My supervisor also took the test with me, without using your study guide and failed again… The answers were very concise and directed me to the areas of material that I needed to study…"

"Format and test presentation was very close, making the testing itself less formidable… If I did pass the exam it was probably due to your study guide."

"It made me realize how tricky the questions and answers could be… I passed the invasive registry test! The mock exam helped me to prepare for the exam a lot. And over 1/4 of the invasive registry test questions seemed to be from your mock exam."

"I struggled on my own trying to read all the suggested texts and found myself reading way beyond the scope of the test matrix provided by CCI. I took the exam twice and each time my score was 62%. Study groups that advertised help, were either too far to travel to or cost prohibitive.
"When I received a brochure from your agency (Cardiac Self Assessment) advertising help for those studying for the registry I was a bit skeptical, however, three months before the next registry I sent away for your program. When I received it, I was immediately impressed on how comprehensive, complete, and up to date the materials were. The questions were specific and the graphics were clear… The registry prep exam was as challenging as the real one. The answers provided in the study guide were very detailed and provided in-depth references for further study.
"Your book guided me towards more accurate study in those specific areas needing fine tuning. By examination time, I went in more confident than ever and my test results improved dramatically! I passedwith a score of 81%!"

"Mr. Todd, I graduated from a technical college with an associate's degree in respiratory care. I was fortunate to obtain a full time job in the cath lab as a scrub tech. I became a registered resp therapist doing a CVT job. It stayed that way for almost 7 years. I promised myself I would never take the registry for CVT until my job depended on it. Guess What? That happened!
"I was offered a job at a small community hospital as Director of the Cardiac Cath Lab, provided I took and passed the registry. I wasn't sure where to turn, but someone suggested your study guides so I gave them a shot. (After all, I had everything to loose!)
"I'm happy to say that I passed with flying colors! Now I'm trying to convince my employees and other friends in the profession to take the exam before his/her job depends on it. (No one needs that kind of stress)Thanks Again!"

"I want to compliment you on the thoroughness of your Invasive Registry Exam Review Book. There is no way I could have passed the exam without it! Everything that I needed to know was in those books.
"I have been working in Cath and Electrophysiology Labs for over 5 years, and that experience alone was not enough to pass the exam. The amount of material that a person needs to know is overwhelming! And your review books present this material in the orderly and concise manner needed to study effectively… It is a difficult exam to prepare for and I strongly recommend that anyone taking this exam use your review books. Everyday lab experience is not enough. It was money well spent, and pajd big dividends on exam day."

"Well… I am releived and I am having a beer (or 3) enjoying it. I passed the RCIS with 83%… which isn't as good as I wanted to do… but passing is passing, huh?

"I couldn't have done it without your help and education. Gobbling up everything I could, certainly helped. I am testimonial to your education processes. I couldn't have done it without your CD/Books/Classes"

"I sat for my RCIS boards in 2001 (and passed!) Your review books were an absolute asset in my preparation and success. We also have two sets in our CCL. They are an invaluable source of information!"

"Dear Wes; I wanted to let you know that I took the RCIS and Basic Science about a month ago and passed w/
81% BST and 83% RCIS. So thank you for all the good info. Thank you once again."
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