Online Classes
Cath Lab - RCIS - CVT

The Online RCIS Review is facilitated by Wes Todd and the required text is his CV Review CD ($270) which includes all the material found in the 5 CV Review Books. Each class is 11 weeks long.
Spokane Community College (SCC) currently offers two online CV Review classes each quarter - a CV Science
Review and an RCIS Review.
The RCIS class is two quarters long. SCC cancels the classes and refunds tuition a week prior to start dates
when there are not enough students enrolled. So, please register early!
This online course is open to any cardiac cath lab employee preparing for the RCIS national exam (Registered Cardiovascular Invasive Professional). Todd Ginapp, RCIS, currently teaches the online class. He is a cath lab manager in Houston, TX and should be contacted about the details. He has set up a web site with up-to-date information on the class.
To register call SCC non-credit enrollment at (509)533-8010 several
weeks prior to start of the class. Course cost is $176 plus CD.
Students may log onto the course at any time through any Internet capable computer
and participate in the course.
Required homework involves studying cardiovascular review questions, answers and rationales from the interactive CD. This leads naturally to the online discussion. Here students use critical thinking skills to discuss their progress on each chapter, problem areas, current cath lab issues and standards of care.
There are no prerequisites and the course units may be taken in any sequence.
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Cardiac Self Assessment
S. 1605 Clinton Rd.
Spokane Valley, WA 99216-0420